Saturday, August 18, 2012

Flying Colors, Indeed.

Yesterday's word was: disgruntled. Dawn-- I'm starting to be impressed. No pressure. :)

So you know what metaphor I really like? "flying colors" I mean first off, it means someone did something great... but it creates such great mental images, too.

I mean, lets think about it for a while... Sure, at first notion you might just think of something boring like some flags flying.

But if you ponder it long enough, you start to realize it could be some parallel bars of color zooming through the air....

Like a deadly attack rainbow.
Or better yet parallel bars of colors with wings!

A deadly attack rainbow with razor sharp wings!
Or with Capes!
And the CareBears thought *they* had a Rescue Rainbow.
Maybe all the colors are actually super heroes!!

Flying Colors, indeed.
Reading Rainbow!!!

Yep, I did just make an image for that lame pun.


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