Friday, August 3, 2012


There once was a girl- name of Kara
Whose birthday idea she did share-a
Write limericks for me
Heck, write twenty-three
Be witty and funny- I dare ya!

My nails are fun-fetti and look at the name of that nail polish!


  1. I shall have to think about this. I shall think all day and then write a passable limerick before evening. ;)

  2. Well, it ain't Milton, but:

    A woman from northern Missouri
    Stayed up too late to blog, but don't worry:
    If experience speaks
    Over these many weeks
    She can crank out a post in a hurry!

  3. There once was a girl named Renee
    Who was awesome in most every way.
    She wanted a limerick
    (a difficult metric)
    So this one is for her birthday!


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