Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dancing Through Life

Monday's word was: radiator (Good job, Dawn!)

Tuesday's word was: stir fry (Good job, me!)

Yeah, I know. Tuesday was a bit of a cheat. But I'll never be able to do it again, and I think that might well be the only point I ever get. Also, I promise that it won't be in this one, but the secret word could always be in the title, so be aware.

Also I agreed to let Kara have points in some way. It won't effect you, but if three or more people guess the word then she gets the points for as many people guess it correctly. But we agreed she can't make it impossible to camouflage.

I really like my grad assistant-ship. I mean maybe in a few weeks I'll be more settled in and find the things that I hate. But for right now? It's great.

I will be doing a lot of writing step-by-step tutorials, which I think I'll be fairly decent at once I get the hang of it. And I will also help out in training sessions with different faculty/staff and students to show them how to get the University programs to do what they want.

I've done a lot of that thus far, and I think it's great. It's mainly been slightly older professors who have come in and they are so cute cause they look at me like I just quoted pi to the 100th digit when I show them how to do something-- or find a tutorial that teaches us both how to do something.

And my supervisor told someone, "It's only her second day, but I'm already discovering that Renee can kinda read minds."

All of which makes me feel both super smart and super helpful.  *snaps imaginary suspenders and straightens imaginary bow-tie- like the Doctor.* Bow-ties are cool!

Plus, I think the job will be a great way to network, because every professor who comes through needs help and we are happy to help them, and they then leave, thinking we are the bumble bee's knees because we teach them how to use those barmy programs.

It's a bit like teaching in high school, but there is zero apathy. It's just fabulous.

Today I've been reminded that I'm smart... Kara actually brought it up in a completely unrelated comment today. As she put it, "I mean, you are really smart. It's not the first thing that I think of when I think of you. I think of how great a friend you are or how great your hair is these days, or what great people skills you have, but you are really smart, too, and I normally just take that for granted."

It's nice to remember. I have such brilliant friends that I forget sometimes that I'm no Scarecrow, myself.


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