Friday, August 31, 2012


Yesterday's word was phantasmagorical. Seriously, Paula, why are your comments disappearing? I get e-mails about them but they aren't on my posts... it's starting to weird me out.

I hemmed a pair of dress pants yesterday. I'm glad I'm too short, rather than too tall, but having to always hem pants to make them the right length is annoying. I wore said dress pants today with a pair of heels. (I normally just put on heels when I get to the office if it's a heels kind of day, but for some reason I decided the first truly rainy day we've had in months was a good day to wear heels across campus.)

I sorta expected to get blisters, but my feet are fine. However, on the way back to my car, (After the whole world had hours and hours to get good and misted.) I was leaving Carrington. (I cut through Carrington every day I work on my way to the library from the BSU parking lot.)

Man! I'm loving the parentheses tonight!

As I was saying (before I interrupted myself with parentheses) I was leaving Carrington this evening and that cement just at the entry of Carrington is crazy slick! So I took a couple of steps and suddenly my foot wasn't stopping and suddenly I was doing the American splits (and surprisingly adroitly, considering that I had no control over my foot as it slipped out from under me.) Well, not quite the American splits because one of my knees was bent... I don't think there was anyone around who saw it... Which I'm both relieved and sad about.

So now my knee has a bit of skin scraped off it, and there is a spot on my slacks that is a little roughed up, but my dress pants can apparently double as yoga pants? I was kinda impressed with them.

Long weekend... but I'm gonna try to actually use it to get homework done... I have to get back in the habit of doing homework, because it takes longer than I guess it will. I also need to take advantage of the fact that I can stay up so late, rather than trying to go to bed and do homework in the morning cause that just never works out well for me... mainly because I think that I can do it faster than I actually can.

That said, I still love it... and I also love that my ga-ship is all about lots of projects that take a day or two or a few hours... I love projects that I can just put my head down and plow through. I just worked on one thing all day today... one thing with 12 little parts and some of those little parts also had little parts... it was great. And I couldn't finish it all at once, so Wed. here I come!

Oh... I wonder where all my parentheses went... Sad. (I kinda miss them.)


  1. my strategy worked for the last post, so i'll try it again--adroitly

    and your parentheses were replaced with ellipses in the last two paragraphs... is spell check really working and i spelled both of those right on the first try??

  2. I hope these comments "take." It's probably something stupid I'm doing.

    1. So this one took, but not the yoga one... soooo weird!!


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