Wednesday, August 22, 2012

15 of 30

Yesterday's word was parvenu (The day before was 1776. Sorry, I forgot to mention it! Kara apologizes for the fact that it was technically a number in the comment section of yesterday's blog.)

First day of classes- I had two. (On Thursday I will have three.) I very much liked them. I'm excited to really get into the heart of them.

Apparently Creative Writing has a lot of guys? Girls were outnumbered three to one in both of my classes. It was weird, because as a theater ed major (and often times even with the regular theatre majors) the girls won the gender war.

I need to get a planner (Yes, Kara! A planner!)

I read an interesting thing today that said people are more honest if they have eyes around them... like even just clip-art eyes on posters. Isn't that weird!?

I have nothing interesting to say...

So I guess I'm going to do number 15 on the list?

15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

Pretty sure the answer to this one is a bird. I don't know what kind of a bird, but one that could fly. To be able to fly under my own power? I'm not sure that any other animal comes close to being that awesome. Plus, I'd never have to ride the trolley again.

Ok, so I've never ridden a trolley in the first place and I actually kinda want to, just so I can sing "The Trolley Song" from Meet Me in St. Louis.

But that doesn't take away from the fact that I'd like to be a bird if I got a chance.

Now if you are asking what kind of an animal I actually am.... like personality-wise... well, I'm not totally sure.

Part of me is very dog like... but I've a large amount of cat in me as well.

I'm a little bit elephant and a little bit mouse.

Part sloth, part monkey...

I think I might be a Wuzzle.


  1. Parvenu...parvrnus is the same right? how bout 1 point and you still keep yours...wink wink

    1. You get the full two points-- the plural of the word is still the word in my opinion.

  2. A planner!!!!

    I could make lots of recommendations. The key is to know what format you want BEFORE you start looking. For instance, if you want a lot of space to write, you need to establish that clearly in your mind. B/c maybe there's a planner with Hello Kitty or Rainbow Bright on it - and maybe it looks sooooo pretty, and maybe it doesn't have lots of space to write, b/c, in actuality, it's meant to be utilized by a 7 year old, who has nothing to plan, but just wants to put a sticker and a stick figure on each day and then fit the whole thing in her tiny jeans pocket. If you haven't CLEARLY and FIRMLY told yourself you must have a planner with lots of space to write, you may end up with an unusable, though adorable, planner. Maybe it happens to you year after year. Just a hypothetical.

    NEXT - you want to pay careful attn to page thickness - if you like to write with fancy pens - and I know you do sometimes - it can be a big mess if the pages are too thin. No Bible-thin-page planners for you! You need good sturdy pages.

    Also - you want to consider if you want each day to be represented vertically, with room to put in appointments throughout the day, or if you want like a 3 days on one page, 4 on the other in a horizontal fashion (Sat & Sun both get half the space in this scenario). The first is troubling if you want to put to do lists in your planner. The second won't work if you have a lot of appts to keep track of. Personally, I'm partial to the planner pad - I can send you a link - that has room not only for appointments AND a daily to do list, but also room to prioritize the goals that you have for the many different facets of your life (this works well with Stephen Covey's 7 Habits methods for planning, and also David Allen' Getting Things Done).

    Now - Liz Davenport (Order from Chaos) suggests a simple notebook in which a 2 page spread is assigned to only it's own day, and then everything EVERYTHING gets written into the notebook. I'm test-driving that system right now, but mostly it has resulted in my buying a lot of notebooks of a variety of sizes b/c I just can't decide which I like best.

    You also want to consider *wanders off, lecturing herself about planners/planning/all things plan *


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