Monday, January 16, 2012

Definitely not a fish

All weekend long I kept forgetting that I have MLK Jr Day off- then remembering and being excited... and then forgetting again, remembering again, and being excited again.

I feel like Dory in "Finding Nemo"

I always have to think for a second whenever I say the title of the movie, because I'm from Northeastern Missouri, so NEMO is not a fish in my mind it's a geographical location.... or an internet provider... or the name of the fairgrounds.

Definitely not a fish though. Definitely, definitely not.

OK, I know as blogs go this one is pathetic but I can't think of another thing to say.

So I'm just going to stop talking and go to bed so I can wear my new hoodie tomorrow.

Come on, you know you wear your new clothes the day after you buy them, too.

1 comment:

  1. Your reaction to MLK day is the same as mine. And Jonny's, for that matter. It feels like a snow day, it's so unexpected! Except we can drive places!


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