Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekend loose ends

I said this on facebook but I think it bears repeating. Today I realized that if I wanted to be around people and there were no people to be had/I didn't want to bug my friends I could go to Starbucks. I could go to Starbucks and work on my book. It's the perfect solution, because no one will be upset at Starbucks if we are just in the same room, not talking. Plus it will force me out of my comfort zone a little bit and make me make eye contact and smile at strangers. PLUS it will mean that I'm actually getting some writing in, rather than *planning* on writing but never actually doing it, which has been basically all I've done since the class ended one page does not count as progress-- especially not in a month's time.

I do not know why it took me so long to come to think of this... I just associate Starbucks with pastors (That's Tim and my uncle Jim's fault) and college study sessions, but surely not everyone at Starbucks in a college student or a pastor.... ok it might be close, but not everyone!

I watched Crazy Stupid Love tonight and enjoyed it just as much the second time... it's good. You and me, we should watch it together some time. I think I've decided that Emma Stone is my new favorite actress. Haven't had a favorite actress for a while, but I think she is it. She's hilarious and all the best parts of Lindsay Lohan without the drugs and the diva attitude. I want to watch "The Help" now, just because I know she's in it.

I had a good weekend. Got to recharge from the holidays... I love Kadin and Jeriah but they can be exhausting... especially when they are off their schedule and excited. (Not that it isn't all worth it when Jeriah stumbles over to you in sleep-zombie mode, crawls up in your lap and knocks out.) But this weekend was good.

Also, something you should be aware of: there is going to be an event on Jan 29. Josh and Kara are putting it together and you are invited if you love me or you loved Nathan. (Though I will of course understand if you don't come, and will still assume that you love me!) More information can be found here. I'm not sure why, but I've really been expecting people to not remember or care that it's been a year, so this is a big deal to me... a way to see that people haven't forgotten about him... that's one of my biggest fears... that people will forget about him. Maybe that's why I've been expecting it... trying to not get my hopes up? And it's a way to see that people are still here for me, too... I mean Nathan would have (does?) think it's hilarious and wonderful, but honestly the party on Earth is just as much for me as it is for him. (I'm sure he'll get his own party in heaven.) So anyway, come out if you wanna and if you wouldn't mind praying for nice weather, please do... It's hard to bash controllers in snowdrifts or slushie puddles. Jan 29 last year was sunny and close to 70... I'd rather have that than the blizzard that followed a few days later. Yeah I really don't want another blizzard, maybe next year.

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