Friday, January 13, 2012

To Class or not to class

Quick- should I sign up for a playwriting class that starts on Tuesday? Why can't I decide??  I'm not getting any sort of read on which would be the better way to go. Lately the pro/con list has been a letting me down.

You know it really is amazing how much better I feel if I go to Starbucks for a few hours before I come home. Only problem with that is the purchase of a drink when I go there. Yummy but not really fiscally responsible.... but then again if I'm paying for a better mood...

I think Starbucks might be the adult version of a fraternity/sorority.

Forget this whole finding a new man thing. I want my old one back. He was great. Lets just get him back here.

Being lonely is just so darn frustrating. Cause there isn't much you can do to fix it (usually the more you try the worst it gets.) And the fix is so simple, but so hard to perfect.

And I have the added frustration of having already fixed this.. and now all my tools are rusty and out of date. God, just fix this, please?

Sadly, I pray that pretty darn often. Or maybe it's good that I pray it so often and it's just my American sensibilities that think it's sad.

I feel like I'm suffering from an interesting topic drought. I blame video games.

Maybe I should take the class I... it might make my life more interesting... That's rather amusing when you think about it- I want to take a writing course so I have something to write about.

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