Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mile Marker

**Warning, this post contains a spoiler from early season 3 of Eureka... It's an important plot point that I will be discussing and I have to use names, so if you have any interest in the show or care about not having a spoiler, stop reading now.**

Ok, brave soul. remember how I told you a while back that I was watching Warehouse 13?

Yes, I'm well aware that I have a Netflix addiction.

So, I watched all of that show (that has been aired) and I've moved on to Eureka which technically started airing first. This matters because they actually take place in the same universe, sometimes the characters even bleed over. I'm working my way through Season 3 now. I'm enjoying the show. I don't think it is as good as W13, but it's fun and I've decided the writers for both of the shows are my kind of nerds... can you have a writer's crush on a group of people?

Anyway there is this character on Eureka- his name is Nathan Stark. He is an important character but he's not the main one. (The main one is Sherriff Carter). You aren't really supposed to like Stark. It's not that you hate him, per se, but he's really egotistical, kind of a jerk to Carter who we love, and also the ex-husband AND fiancé of Carter's unspoken love interest. However he's also very smart and has several  moments that make you understand why Allison (the love interest) married him and then agreed to marry him again.

Ok, so then it's Stark and Allison's wedding day, and something goes wrong (as it always does in Eureka) and it ends up that Stark sacrafices himself to save everyone. -Normally that's what Carter does, and he manages to survive, but this is too scientific for Carter to do and Stark knows it, so Stark saves the day... and dies in the process. Or at least it appears so but I don't trust them to not bring back the character somehow.

ANYWAY, Allison is understandably upset. And we get it cause the guy turned out to be pretty dang good after all. He knew he was probably gonna die on his wedding day and he still did it to save the world. Makes him a pretty good guy after all. One character says to her (she has also survived the death of a spouse,) "The hard truth is, you can get past it, but you’ll never get over it, even if you have all the time in the world."

Wow. There's some truth. Smack dab in the middle of a Sy-Fy show.

Before Stark dies he makes sure that Carter has a necklace to give to Allison. It was supposed to be a wedding present. Turns out that Stark programed a hologram of himself on the necklace giving Allison a message... Like one of those storybooks from Hallmark.... only a big diamond instead. The message was basically an apology about their first marriage (which he left) and a promise that this time it's forever... and the final words are, "Ally, I will always love you. And I will never, ever leave you again."

And then Allison said, in tears, "Goodbye, Nathan."

And that's when I got punched in the gut. It was hard to breathe for a moment and I had to keep taking deep breaths. Everyone called him Stark except for Allison, and while I'd sympathized with her character a lot I hadn't been identifying with her.... Until I heard her say that. I suppose in a way it shows how far I've come since last Feb when a scene in a graveyard or a dying house elf was enough to send me into tears. But the way it still just comes from nowhere and blindsides me... that hasn't changed in the least.

You can get past it, but you'll never get over it.

I guess this was another mile marker.

In the terrible Aladdin sequel, Return of Jafar, there is a running line. "You'd be surprised what you can live through." 

That's true, too.

What? So I remember lines from a horrible Disney sequel... I also loved this song.

There is no explaining pre-teens.

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