Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fear or Will

It might be overkill to get Starbucks two days in a row during lunch... but I went for a week without it. Not without coffee, mind you, but without the sweet nectar of white chocolate peppermint... it was rough.

I frequently shock people by telling them I grew up an hour away from the closest McDonalds and/or Wal-mart.

We won't even think about how far away the closest Starbucks is... Quincy I think... Quincy is in a different STATE. (and approx. 1.5 hours from home and 30 minutes from Hannibal.)

Ok, maybe we will think about it.... speaking of thinking...

I'm considering a tattoo again.. only slightly more seriously since it's coming up on a year and I'm about to be able to make "big" life decisions again.

I've been thinking a lot about several issues related to it. Tattoos were not condoned in the church I grew up in. In the Vineyard no one cares. I've looked into the Biblical references and I personally believe that it is morally acceptable.

They are also socially accepted in a way they never have been before- even here in the Bible belt. Granted they aren't quite so socially accepted in my immediate family. I'm pretty sure my grandmothers would freak out and I don't think either mom would like it much... (Though my mom said that since I'm adult she should probably let me make my own decisions :) ) I don't know that I'd get much of an opinion out of either dad.

The only other person who I am concerned about is (and you may think I'm crazy for this) but my future spouse. See, I don't know who that is... and I would hope that he wouldn't care-- especially because this is not a snap decision and it will mean/symbolize a lot to me... but if I come from a relatively conservative family, then chances are the man I marry is also going to come from a relatively conservative family... and probably be relatively conservative himself.  I'd hate to think I'd done something that he might find morally reprehensible... but then again would I *want* to marry someone who couldn't unbend enough to understand why I would want a tattoo?

What does it say about me that I'm trying to take into account the feelings of a person I don't know? Am I holding back from living because of fear or am I simply making a responsible decision? Not sure I know the answer to that one.

Interestingly enough, after writing this I watched the Green Lantern movie... and in that movie (and maybe the comic books?) the two opposing forces are not "good and evil" but "fear and will"... That feels a whole lot more like the struggles I face every day.

1 comment:

  1. Alison (Schenk) ClosserJanuary 29, 2012 at 2:34 AM

    I so know what you mean about Starbucks!! I love going to conferences or classes out of town so that I might get the chance to get me some Starbucks!!!
    Tonight is the first time I have ever read your blog. You are so very strong and funny. I am loving it and I say GO FOR IT about the tattoo. Of course your mom is going to hate. Mine is still threatening to scrub mine off after 15 yrs. lol.
    Keep up the blogging!! You rock!!


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