Friday, January 27, 2012


*sigh* I didn't clean all the things... not even close... I'm about to start laundry... yes, it's 12:36... actually I'm gonna do that now, so if the blog takes a long time I can transfer to the dryer when I'm done/ going to bed.

While I was up I remembered that I had Andy's in the freezer that I had yet to eat. But I'm eating it, now!

God Bless America.

I discovered today that my wii controller is magnetic.

I really love the flavor of vanilla... I know a lot of people (especially women, it seems) flip over chocolate, but vanilla is really good. I think I might like it more. But I'm kinda weird, I also like the flavor of any grain when sweetened- rice, corn, oats, barley... ok, so I've never had sweetened barley but it's probably good.

I'm stalking my phone case... well I'm trying to but all they will tell me is that it was once in Tulsa, OK. Is it stalking when it belongs to me? Rhonda and I have this discussion often. She accuses me of facebook stalking her and I say that it's not stalking if it's family. Just because I like comments she made months ago doesn't mean I'm a creeper. I'm not sneakin' into her house, snatchin' her people up.

I'm bad at eating ice cream tonight.

or "frozen custard" if you are gonna get technical on me.

You are, aren't you? You are gonna get technical on me. I can hear it in your tone. Don't think I don't pick up on the way your eyes (in the future) are judgmentally running across every line I've written. I can tell!

You and that darn German judge. Always giving me lower points for technical difficulty levels.

Is paranoia a symptom of grief or just general craziness?

I wrote like 4 pages today. I'm proud of myself. I could have kept going, but it was 7, I needed to eat, and Kara said she was going to bring her baby by my house and I'm a sucker for a baby-by.

Do you like my new word, baby-by? It's like a drive-by only with a baby.... and it lasts longer than a drive-by.... and there are no cars involved.... and oh my gosh with the technicalities again! I just can't talk to you when you are in this kind of a mood! We'll try again tomorrow and maybe you'll be less persnickety.

Such a good word... it's like brain candy.



1 comment:

  1. I like vanilla better, too. Philip says I like fringe flavors like butterscotch and such.


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