Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free Lemons

Well, I think I've made the decision... I don't think I'm going to take a class this semester.

I've been going back and forth for a long time, and basically it boils down to a few things.

1) I lead a pretty busy life already and I want to have time to work on writing this book.

2) Classes are expensive and playwriting isn't something that I'm sure I want to get into.

3) I'd have to stop going to small group for a semester.

4) I already know of 2 classes I would have to miss.

I know, fewer ways to meet new people if I don't go to a class, but if that's really my goal I think I should be considering a master's degree rather than just a few classes off and on.

It's a really fine line, balancing life goals and being content with what God's given you... Because in some ways you have to want more than what you have to even have a goal, but I also don't want to be dissatisfied or even insinuate that I don't think what I have is enough. Because it really is.

I realized something today that I consider to be absolutely incredible. I'm looking forward to the 29th. And the reason I'm looking forward to it is that I have some really great friends who are committed to making the day not suck for me, so they've planned a fun activity where I can see and hang out with lot of people. I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be this well-adjusted and normal following the death of my spouse... but I'm also pretty sure most people don't have the benefit of wonderful friends like mine.

I'm not as content as I could be with what I've been given.... It's sooo easy to focus on the have-nots rather than the haves.... Ok, so I don't have a person to share my life with, a million dollars, or a pony... but I do have incredible friends- more being added all the time, relative financial stability (and considering medical expenses that could have easily been untrue), and the leisure time with which I can pursue the career and pastimes that I enjoy. So many people in this world couldn't say that. So I'm working on being content when God's timing isn't mine.

I just need to remember that even when life is handing you lemons, you are still getting free lemons...

And there are grocery stores all over the freaking place...

And lemon bars are yummy.

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