Thursday, January 5, 2012


Ought to write something. Yes, yes indeed, I ought.

I'm going to the Chicago area sometime next month... Not going to say when for security purposes... I've got family up that way that I'll be visiting. I'm looking forward to it... I don't often get to see them unless it's in a big group of family, so it should be fun.

Currently facing a dilemma: I'm going to move out of this apartment when my lease is up. I will need to move *in* somewhere. I can't decide if I should be thinking about renting a house or staying in an apartment. I *really* want a place where I can host more than 3 people without it feeling overly crowded. This would mean a pretty big upgrade in apartments. (I am very drawn to TLC Properties.) I also want to be in a better part of town. It was one thing when I was married, but now without Nathan and since Josh and Kara have moved "away" (it's 125 paces now, rather than 6. Kara counted.) I'm just not as comfortable.

So now I'm facing a dilemma, and when faced with a dilemma I am Rory Gilmore. So I start making a pro/con list.

So here is the pro lists:

House: Lots of space, no noisy neighbors, possibility of painting walls/ general character, same parking spot everyday, can keep relatively low rent, could have a lot of small perks I would love... like a gas stove.

Apt: Low utilities, free cable and internet, no groundkeeping, probably built within the last few years. Always people around even if I don't know them.

Con lists:

House: Very high utilities, plus cable and internet, possibility of yard work to maintain, less reliable landlords

Apt: Not as much space, much higher rent for a 2 bedroom, neighbors can be annoying, questionable quality of internet strength, pay for things I don't want/need like a pool or a gym.

Is it just me or does that list come out basically even to you?? I need a second opinion. Where is Luke or Lorelai??? Heck I'd settle for Emily, Richard, or Michele at this point. oooh or Sookie. Love me some Sookie.

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