Thursday, March 24, 2011

Disclaimer free with purchase!

Went to Farmer's Gastropub tonight... the food was really good.... but the service was sooooooo slow! We got there around 6-6:30 and I don't think we left until 9:30 or so.... and not because we were talking that much! Still, I'm glad I experienced it, even if I did feel like a customer at the end of a Diner Dash shift.

I have Nathan's ring now... my necklace is complete. It's rather comforting... and heavier than I expected.

My living room is very close to done... I just have to finish my "made" art and hang things... then I'm gonna have to find a new hobby.... like my office... or maybe any other room in my house, since my office will take me years to finish... ok not years.... but I fully expect to not be finished before I move out of this apartment.... or maybe I should just focus on the whole memoir thing.

Or move to Canada and become a hermit...

Oh gosh.. worst idea ever!

You know what's not the worst idea ever? Going to bed. So that's where I'm telling my monkey feet* to take me.

Lead on, monkey feet*, lead on!

*please note that any allusion to Renée's feet as "monkey feet" is based on their general dexterity and agility, not on hairy-ness. Her feet could not even be mistaken for hobbiten.

1 comment:

  1. have you seen the movie "in the wild" its a true story about a guy who becomes a tramp. Alexander supertramp. the hermit/tramp life not so...ummm lifely


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