First, this one... this is all of the paper that Nathan and I had laying around the house that dealt with cancer, treatments, and bone marrow transplants. Yes, I went through it all and checked for confidential information and shredded it... this is just the other stuff.
This is only 5 days worth of pills that Nathan took the last week at home... It doesn't include an oil that he took 4 times a day, a hormone injection that was once a week (changed from a daily patch), the insulin that he took at least 3 times a day, and the pain pills (also not pictured)... and he could take about 40 pain pills a day, if he'd taken them all exactly when he could.
A friend posted this on facebook today. That link more than anything else makes me ask why.... Why couldn't this have happened to us 10 years from now? Why him? Why now? It's a bad idea to go down that road.
Abrupt subject change!
This is my new living room! I actually think it looks better in person, but since you probably live too far away from me, or have other sundry reasons for not visiting me, I shall give you a narrated tour. Here you can see pretty much the entire living room. I'm probably going to be moving the blue and red paintings in the upper right to further down the wall, closer to the shelves, but I'm gonna live with it for a few days to make sure I want to go to the effort.
Here is a better view of a few things-- 1) My genius placemat pillows (The ones with flowers on them.) and the art and Roman shades I made several years ago. Please note that those shades were actually made for the windows in my room at home.. about 6 years ago... Gosh I don't feel old enough to say that I made something 6 years ago...and 6 years ago wasn't even high school... Have I mentioned how wrong it feels that it's been 10 years since I graduated from high school?? So wrong.
Mirrors help make a space look bigger. You knew that, right? In the bookshelves I have fabric boxes that are holding my DVDs and making things look much more streamlined. To jazz up the boxes, I'm going to eventually put ribbon on them... You can see my test ribbon placement on a couple of the boxes on the right shelf. I have to credit "Clean Sweep" for convincing me that putting everything into boxes of the same size/shape makes things look so much nicer.
Here you can see art placement a little better and that thing in the bottom right? That's that rocking gaming storage ottoman that I was talking about. It can be used as a chair as well... thus the pillows and the afghan that my grandma knitted me when I graduated from high school... 10 YEARS ago.... yeah I'm not over that.
Anyway, I think that pretty well wraps up the tour of the room... I don't actually have before pictures, but take out everything in the room that has any blue/teal in it and emphasize the Asian and you've pretty well got it. Trust me it looks much much different.
I think Nathan would have liked it... but it doesn't make me think of Nathan, which is kinda the point... fewer memories to make me sad.
Beautiful! You have great decorating tastes!