Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pandora interrupted

Don't call my name, Alejandro.

It's my determination that all the jokes are funnier and everyone laughs harder when you hit 1 AM. It's like when everyone reaches just that right level of punchy... In college it was also the time when going to Steak and Shake or IHOP was most often suggested.... 1 AM pancakes are a thing of beauty... and calories.

Sing it for the boys, Sing it for the girls, Every time that you lose it sing it for the world.

I painted my bird pictures tonight... so they will be going up tomorrow.. and then I will probably post pictures of my sweet new living room cause I'm pretty darn proud of how nice it looks... Unfortunately I realized after I finished all the pictures that I wanted to put them the opposite direction that they were drawn/painted... so I'm not sure exactly how that will work.. I may just have to choose a different wall to put them on, and pretend like it was on purpose... cause none of you will tell anyone, right?   ...Right!?! Yes, I know I could just paint over them and start over again, but seriously who wants to do that? Not me.

 I'm safe, up high, nothing can touch me. But why do I feel this party's over?

I posted this on facebook, but I will share it with ya'll, too. I went to the mall yesterday with Paula... I bought a few new things, but it is my belief that to guarantee that you find a few things you like enough to buy, you pick up one of everything you like in the store... sometimes in multiple sizes, if you aren't sure what size you are anymore. Today my biceps are sore from how heavy my arm loads of try-ons were as I roamed JCPenny. I'm not joking... it's slightly ridiculous. Obviously I need to be doing more chicken flying on my Wii.

 Baby, you're a firework.

You know something that I don't think I ever believed before, but am slowly coming to accept as truth... Everyone has these huge insecurities in themselves that they live their life trying to hide. It's not just me. This person who I thought had it all together?  They are insecure about their future. This girl who I thought was absolutely beautiful? Worries about her weight. The boy who I thought couldn't be any cooler? Desperately trying to cover up the fact that he's actually a huge dork. And when I find these things in other people it makes me want to hug them... Because the glimpse inside their head makes me so much more aware that I might be able to say something to deeply impact them... I could affect them... we aren't as different as I thought.

Take my hand, close your eyes. With you right here, I'm a rocketeer.

So much of my life has become saying each morning, "Ok, God, what now?" I never could have predicted on January 1st what my life would be like on March 27th. I couldn't have predicted the events that have occurred, the people I've become close to, the way my living room looks... heck, I never would have even predicted that I would be blogging so much. All I know, is that God's leading me through and I just have to trust that He knows better than I do.

You know that I could use somebody.

(I swear I just used the lyric that Pandora was singing when I pushed enter after a paragraph...  The correlation?  I guess that just shows how easily I can be affected by the music I'm transcribing.) Btw, I need an editor to check my Affect vs Effect usage in my post.

I hope that you like this, but you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me.

(I had to! It was too perfect!)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could take pictures of your paintings, reverse the images, then hang prints on the wall. Or you could put the pictures on the wall as planned, but put a series of mirrors on the other wall. Trippy!

    My mom gets the giggles like nobody else when she's tired... case in point, she just told me about their recent trip to Colorado. On the way back, the miles of Kansas nothingness induced a sort of punch-drunk state in everyone on the trip and my mom, dad, brother, and sister could not stop laughing in an IHOP for THEIR ENTIRE MEAL. She was convinced the waitress must think they were all drunk, and the thought of two parents and two teenagers getting drunk and going to IHOP in Kansas made her laugh even more... and the long and short of this is that I am so sad that I did not get to be punch-drunk in Kansas with my parents & sibs. I haven't been punch-drunk in forever. Next time I come to Springfield, I am making a point to kidnap you and do whatever it takes to get seriously punchy and eat pancakes.


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