Tuesday, March 15, 2011


From 3-4 in the morning a few days ago I had 53 hits on my blog... and then 21 from 4-5... Just to put this into perspective, a normal amount of hits on my blog in an hour time frame is probably 7 or 8... Highs, like right after I post something in the middle of the day (not at 2 in the morning) are around 25 or so. So in other words someone is reading my blog a lot in the middle of the night... or in another country... or both. *waves* Hi, fellow insomniac!

I finally did it. I finally rearranged the living room instead of just talking about it. There is one "problem area" but I'm gonna mull on it a while and see what I can come up with. And in the mean time I'm going to start experimenting with what art I'm going to put up and where. A friend of mine sent me an image that I'm going to get a print of,  but other than that and a few special pieces, I usually make my own art or pull from stuff I did in high school and college. It's more personal and way way cheaper.

Today was a dark day for me... Not really sure why... just hard. It got better towards the end... and part of it might have been never catching up on sleep... but the rearranging was a good distraction.

Oh the other night I found my question book-- It's a book of random questions that can be a party game or just a fun get to know you type of activity. I really like it, because it can give you insights into people... and I may have mentioned this once or twice, but I kinda love people.

So here is your question of the day (I'll answer it, too): If you were to be renamed after someone from history, whose name would you want?

This is hard for me, because I really love my name, but if I HAD to choose another, I think I would choose Clara Barton...  She was an impressive woman, but honestly I just love her name... Simple and pretty and not super duper common... though maybe it was at the time, I don't know.


  1. I sometimes read your blog in the middle of the night or early in the morning. 5 a.m. your time is 6 a.m. my time, and I sometimes greet the day by going straight to Facebook!

    I would pick Rosalind Franklin, one of the co-discoverers of the double helix. I love the name Rosalind. I would make people call me Roz. Or possibly just Ro.

  2. Sadie, I would totally call you Roz! In fact, I might start anyway.

    Maybe Amelia Earhart? Or Annie Oakley? I like names that start with vowels, apparently.

  3. It's 4:41 and I'm stalking your blog because my days and nights are mixed up. But it wasn't me the other night. I'm looking for the pics of the rainbow cake again so I can show my mom, but perhaps that was just on your FB page, so now I'm going there....


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