Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pinwheel, Pictures, Plans

I'm writing a blog post now, because I am both bored and I'm not sure I will have a chance to later.

I had the wedding today.. The theme was pinwheels... and the couple included little pinwheel patterns to make into boutineers for all the men folk...  I decided I would be wearing mine in my hair, since I don't have Nathan... so I made mine... only I decided I didn't think it was pretty enough after I made it, and I wanted something more elaborate.. so to the internets I went!

I found a pattern and I found some old scrapbooking paper that I had leftover from my wedding scrapbook and voila!
 There is a lot of mention of death in weddings... I got a little emotional at the vows... It's hard to hear the promises that I made once...and then death did us part. Made me miss him, but I held back the tears...and preserved the makeup... well at least till now when I'm alone. Then the tears they do flow.... It's so wrong that the one person who could always comfort me is the one person who I can't have. No one else was ever as good at it, and I keep searching for substitutes, but I don't know how anyone can be what I need. I just need to give it time... but I'm so impatient. Life can change so quickly and I don't like to feel like I'm wasting time.

So when I'm bored I'm most likely to do several things... 1)Take pictures of myself. 2) curl my hair 3) put on makeup.... Well because of the wedding I already had my hair curled and makeup put on... and so taking pictures was all I had left... so I did. This is me pre-crying jag. I don't think I'll take any post crying jag pictures. Call me quirky.
Hey, Quirky!

In other news my comment on that youtube video has over 300 thumbs up on it... crazy. Of course someone also told me on youtube that if I "smile all day it makes you feel happy." I'm here to tell you that, that isn't necessarily true.

I'm keeping the pinwheel for the rest of the day. You can't make me get rid of it. The dress on the other hand is already gone... I loves me some jeans! They keeps my legs warm!

Well there is a birthday party tonight that I think I'm going to try to attend, and then I've got plans with several friends to see the NeverEnding Story in a movie theater... Can't wait to see Falcor on the big screen!

So to sum up today.... wedding, wedding, wedding, wedding, crying, party, movie. I guess it's not that bad of a day.

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