Friday, March 4, 2011

Mainly about my living room.

Today I went shopping for organization, and along the way I determined my new color scheme for my living room.... red and robin's egg blue. Ok I know I'm totally late to the party as far as the red and light blue color scheme go, but the thing is my living room is currently Asian and red.  For several reasons... 1) I think that many Asian things are just pretty and graceful. 2) My aunt lived in Vietnam for a year and brought me back several cool things when I was in HS.  3) I have sweet Roman shades that I made about 6 years ago that have red cherry blossom style flowers and branches (Flowers red, branches black) and Chinese characters on them (I used to know what the characters meant... now I just know that one of the shades says "beautiful Renée"... but I don't know which one... yeah that's how I roll.). Anyway it's worked out well...  However I'm wanting to change things up, and so I want something that will go with the red, as I need to replace it slowly (going out and buying all new throw pillows and blankets- oh and curtains isn't exactly fiscally responsible.) Then later on down the road I can phase the red out to a different color and never make it look bad cause I don't have the funds to just do it all at once. Plus everything has to go with my white walls and black furniture... 

Added to that, my kitchen is semi connected to my living room, and it's color is mainly that light teal, because I got a Kitchen Aid mixer on sale for $50 right before Nathan and I got married, and I have this small little poster that a friend made me in college with a "Cookin with Renée" logo on it.... which is also mainly light teal... ooh and Red! I'm a decorating genius!

So suffice it to say I want my kitchen and living room to coordinate. And now it shall. And I got little bins/tote things to put DVDs in, cause I'm sick of looking at the mishmash of DVD covers. It's not pretty, but I don't want to give them all away! I wish my bookshelves had doors or something! But since they don't, bins it is. The blue option in bins wasn't the right color though, so I had to get black... which look good, but caused me to go look at ribbon... and when I found ribbon I also found a pretty damask-print fabric in red, so I will probably make some new pillows after all.... in red... but maybe it will help me to start straying away from the Asian theme. Anyway, regardless, I'm excited because I love redecorating... Oh if only I could paint the walls! This also means I need to make new art... or at least change mats/background on old art. I love creativity- It gets my happy endorphins going.

Just don't come into my office space and judge me... it's where everything I love but doesn't go with anything else ends up.. so it's .... eclectic. And messy. so messy. But that's not the art's fault, that's just my lack of motivation.

I had Thai with some friends tonight. It was a lot of fun, though they both had places to go, so we sadly couldn't hang out afterwards... Gosh, people and having lives. It's like an epidemic.

I have an abundance of flour and sugar in my house. Is there anyone out there I can bribe to hang out with me by making them baked goods? Ohhhh I miss Scholars where all I had to do to attract a crowd was to start baking... or tell Jake T. if there was a massive Halo game happening on the 2nd floor, and they couldn't smell it.

ok... Guess I will go have a fashion show with myself to try and figure out what I'm wearing to the wedding tomorrow. 44 degrees puts a damper on my previous idea. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your wall hangings/curtains. They inspired me to make my own curtain rod for our extra-wide patio door when we moved here... on which I promptly hung a sheet and proceeded to ignore its pleas for proper curtains for, let's see... 19 months now.


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