Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sorry for your passing

I forgot to tell you that I got a comment response from someone on youtube that said, "Im so sorry for your passing :(" I laughed... I'm not sure that English is that person's 1st language....

Took a 3 hour nap today... I gotta stop doing that in the beginning of the week. It throws off the whole rest of the week. Cause I'm not gonna want to go to bed early tonight... and then tomorrow I'll take a nap too... and then maybe on Wed I won't nap... but  by then the week is half over!

Am I the only one who is annoyed that American Idol and Glee aren't on the same nights anymore... Seriously Fox? You can't just give me one good night of TV? I don't want to watch TV every night of the week for only an hour. I want to watch 1 whole night's worth of TV and then do something else on the other nights. You are really cramping my style, Fox.

Definitely need to go grocery shopping... I've run out of things like milk... and ummmm... that's all I can think of at the moment, but I know there are other things.

I've noticed that I don't really like being at home, that much, unless someone else is over here too... If I'm alone here I just come up with ways to escape being here... aka I read, or blog, or chat with friends online, or play games... or sleep.

I think I've decided I want to get acrylic nails... I bite my nails, out of habit. *shame... I know it's bad!* I had acrylic ones for my wedding and I loved them... I'm hoping that getting fake ones will help me grow out my actual nails and break me of the habit. Nathan always hated that I bit my nails... but I just never think about it... It doesn't help that my nails aren't the strongest ever. So anyway I want to get acrylic ones... only I have no idea where to go. Anyone in Springfield have a favorite nail salon? - preferably one where the people don't have accents so thick that I won't be able to understand them. That's part of why I haven't gone since my wedding... because I'm afraid I won't be able to communicate with whomever is doing them... that and those places are fume-y!

I hear that changing one's appearance is actually a pretty common response to grief.. because it's something that we can control. And heck, it's not like I don't have extra time on my hands! I'm sure my hair will be changing within the next month or so, too. Don't worry though, there will be no plastic surgery. That's way too expensive!

1 comment:

  1. i enjoy reading your blog renee. i think and pray for you often.


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